To many low-income people out in the housing it doesn’t feel like the design and construction of homes is centred on their needs, especially when those needs are complex. Shelter NSW has been very happy to contribute to recent sessions hosted by various parts of the NSW Government to address these blind spots.
Shelter NSW has for some time been part of the NSW Government taskforce exploring small, modular housing and off-site manufacturing as a way to speed up housing supply on Government land. Our Senior Policy Officer Cathy Callaghan was happy to present at a recent Small Homes Design Workshop, gently challenging the highly-engaged group of architects and builders to apply their innovative thinking to the particular needs of very low income people
Our CEO, John Engeler took up the mantle in the same week – presenting to the Homes NSW Centre for Design. The lively discussion moved from issues of design to a range of topics such as strata levies, severe overcrowding and the enforcement of quality building requirements. Many thanks to Government Architect NSW for the invitation. It was an engaging and exciting presentation that Shelter NSW hopes sparks discussion within the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for real change and not just affordable housing, but also accessible housing with amenities available.
Here are some of the points both Cathy and John put to their respective groups