Homes NSW exploring Modular Housing and off-site manufacturing to speed up supply of social housing

With labour and materials shortages continuing to challenge the residential construction sector it’s little wonder that many are looking for innovative ways to deliver quality housing when and where it’s needed. And that includes Government. 
Shelter NSW was happy to be invited to join a new cross-industry taskforce to provide expert industry advice to the NSW Government to explore the use of modular housing and, in general, Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) to deliver much needed social homes for people in NSW. 
The Government has made an initial investment of $10 million to develop and trial innovative solutions in this project with the task force to operate for up to 2 years under the guidance of Homes NSW. 

Shelter NSW CEO John Engeler had this to say about MMC: 

When delivered at scale, the MMC approach allows for quality assured, quick delivery, fully accessible and environmentally friendly low-rise housing in existing urban areas. It addresses the need for the urgent’ supply of much needed compact, well-designed individual 1 and 2 bedroom dwellings while the important’ more longer-term multi-unit complexes are also developed.  
These home can be developed largely off site, then installed in days and weeks – not the months and years we traditionally need to wait to develop to house people.   
With so much advancement in what we used to call ‘pre-fab’, MMC is now looking to routinely build two or possibly three storeys with lifts, services and common amenities, all produced off site.    
It’s great to be part of this taskforce. We look forward to seeing how this can make a real difference to the social housing waiting list, not just in urban areas, but in regional rural and remote locations too!