Last week, Shelter NSW was invited to Penrith City Council’s quarterly Homelessness Interagency meeting where Council’s draft Affordable Rental Housing Implementation Policy was featured. This Policy is on exhibition until Friday 16 June 2023.
We have previously put in a submission on Stage 1 of Penrith’s Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme (Glenmore Park and Orchard Hills North), and the Implementation Policy is the ‘nuts and bolts’ of operationalising Stage 1 collection of funds and delivery of affordable rental housing through the Scheme.

Although we continue to assert that the contributions rates in the Scheme should be higher and aligned with the Greater Cities Commission vision for 10% rates on housing uplift, we are pleased to note the draft Implementation Policy includes a requirement for all affordable housing under the scheme to be affordable in-perpetuity (registered on title). Additionally, Penrith City Council has confirmed that investigation is underway for opting into a “city-wide” Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme.
We look forward to seeing how the new Scheme takes shape in Penrith and will be on alert for future opportunities to comment on and advocate for a “city-wide” Scheme.