Significant announcements in Sydney’s inner city Glebe

Over the last few years public housing communities in Glebe have felt the stress of uncertainty as various plans have been proposed for their buildings. Shelter NSW has been close to a few key proposals including that at Franklyn Street which we have formally opposed and another at 82 Wentworth Park Road about which we have made a number of submissions including as recently as  April this year
Here is an extract from a LinkedIn post made by Shelter NSW CEO John Engeler  in response to the significant NSW Government announcement regarding both of these proposals:

Very welcome announcement about Glebe, that the large planned redevelopment and privatisation of Franklyn Street estate will now not proceed! 
Good news for the well-established community there of over 100… This is a huge win for the residents and community of Glebe, and all those who have worked hard to both ‘defend & extend’ public housing. 
Ideally, retaining the architecturally noteworthy, but arguably ‘tired’ 17 existing dwellings at 82 Wentworth Ave, could have also been achieved – we certainly tried – but the plan to not just refurbish or enhance the unique underutilised site, to now instead rebuild at least 43 new homes comprised of over 52 bedrooms of 100% public housing is objectively in this context, the ‘very best of Option B’. 
Given the growing demand for more safe, secure, accessible and efficient homes in the area – especially to replace those progressively sold in Glebe until recently – means this announcement is significant. 
It might not have been the decision many concerned in the community wanted – but it is definitely an outcome that those on the waiting list desperately need. 
Overall we’re looking forward to seeing a new way of engaging with both existing & future tenants in the final design of this and other more considered new developments, so that they can become a meaningful home to as many people as soon as possible. 
Again, the decision by the new government to rightfully abandon the flawed and unwarranted approach of disrupting the established community in Franklyn St in Glebe is not just a good news, but a great news story indeed.