Shelter NSW Pre-budget submission – prevention is better than cure

The NSW State Budget will be announced on 19 September. Ahead of that, Shelter NSW has made a submission to the NSW Treasury setting out our recommendations for key, targeted investment across critical sectors and programs.

As ever, we assert that responding to acute housing stress and homelessness in a crisis mode is expensive and inefficient for Government and the community sector. Costs are borne across multiple public arenas such as heath, justice and education.

Preventing homelessness and chronic housing stress is smarter and fairer. 

You can find our full submission here on our website:  Shelter NSW Pre-Budget Submission 2023-2024

Shelter NSW – key budget asks of the NSW Government:

1. Restore the social housing safety net to 5% of total housing stock by 2027, 10% by 2040. Invest in a four-year, $3 billion Social and Affordable Housing Innovation Fund (Build or Buy) & $500m maintenance plan

2. Invest $50m over 3 years to create 4 x new 40 room Youth Foyers in NSW

3. 10% increased funding to Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) – $50m over 2 years  

4. Invest $50m into a 2-year extension of the successful Together Home program  

5. Commit $60 million over 2 years for energy efficiency upgrades & electrification of low performing social housing properties

6. Invest in the support of renters
-$2.09m to set up & fund a specialist older person’s housing information
-Adequately resource the new NSW Rental Commissioner
– $4.62 m annual increase to tenancy advisory & advocacy services
– Create a standing hardship fund