In October, Shelter NSW assisted social work placement students in coordinating an event for international students, to hear their stories of housing insecurity and provide a space for understanding and organisation.
Around thirty-five students participated in this ‘Listening Event’, and we are now pleased to share with you the report which summarises the findings of this event. Listening to the stories of international students revealed not only the issues they face but the changes that would make a real improvement to their lives in Australia.
“It was clear from the group discussion that international students have significant challenges when they come to Australia to study. They not only have to deal with what it means to study in another culture and language, but also the high cost of living, and a housing market that exploits their lack of understanding regarding their tenancy rights. These conditions generate impacts, which in many cases, are not favourable to the added pressure of study.”
The report also includes links to a number of resources and support services related to housing that international students may find helpful. We encourage everyone to take a look at this report and share it amongst your networks to uplift the voices of students who participated in this event.
A huge thank you to Democracy in Colour, Sydney Community Forum, the Oz International Students Hub and staff of the Sydney Alliance for their assistance in coordinating this event. We especially commend the students who led this project from its inception: Jayden, Alex, Linh Do, and Sandra, who prepared this summary report.