In last month’s bulletin we shared a story about OFFICE – the Melbourne-based non-profit design and research practice which is working with local public housing advocates to develop a Retain, Repair, Reinvest strategy for key public housing towers in Waterloo North. It will be presented as an alternative to demolition: one that retains existing communities by not relocating residents, repairs existing buildings to reduce carbon emissions, and reinvests savings to improve comfort and upgrade public housing. *
Shelter NSW staff and some members with the OFFICE team at recent community BBQ where they talked to local residents, including those in the towers. Over hot dogs residents shared stories of their lives in Waterloo, what they loved about the area, and what needs to be improved.
Eddie Ma, Architect and Shelter NSW Member who helped co-ordinate the event noted how great it was to be invited inside for a tour by two very enthusiastic residents.
I will never forget how one of the residents, who was an artist & painter, had painted all of his walls in elaborate murals, with windows into a distant land, a moonlit night painted over his day bed, & a clear blue sky in his bathroom. It was truly “his” home.” (Eddie Ma)
OFFICE Architect Simon Robinson (pictured above) spent time chatting about life in the Matavai Tower with this public housing resident. She spoke of the joy of looking out at large, mature trees (pictured) from her balcony.
*as a reminder, The NSW Government has no current or active plans underway for the possible redevelopment of Waterloo North with its focus on the large and important Waterloo South project.