Like many, Shelter NSW has waited with great anticipation for the results of the NSW Government land audit. But last week’s announcement of the first four of forty-four sites has raised a lot of concern.
According to the NSW Government, its well-known commitment to deliver 30% social and affordable dwellings on each identified parcel of public land has now evolved to an overall goal to be applied to the broader program – acknowledging that some sites will deliver more (or less).
The four sites include three to be developed by Homes NSW. These are at:
- North Eveleigh (Carriageworks Precinct): approximately 500 new dwellings to be built, 50% of which will be social and affordable homes
- Kellyville (adjacent to Rouse Hill Metro station): between 75-83 new homes, 50% social and affordable
- Camden: approximately 10 social and affordable homes
A fourth site however has attracted significant attention and concern:
- WestConnex Dive site, Parramatta Road, Camperdown: Over 100 homes will be delivered in a mixed-use development on this site, to be delivered in partnership with the private sector (NSW Government)
Regardless of how the broader program shapes up (or even overachieves), it is very difficult to understand how a single-site proposal that delivers no social or affordable housing at all could be approved.
This site is not far from a major health precinct. An article in today’s Sydney Morning Herald cites University of Sydney research, noting the alarming trend of emergency workers pushed further and further out of Sydney. There is a compelling case for this Camperdown site to be used to provide public housing and/or affordable rental housing for essential workers.
You can listen to Shelter NSW Principal Policy Officer Cathy Callaghan speaking to ABC Radio following its reporting on this issue. ABC Illawarra journalist Amy Duggan introduces the topic at the 10-minute mark, asking a number of very relevant questions about the Camperdown site and the broader need for requiring development on private land to deliver genuinely affordable rental housing over the long-term.