Parliamentary Inquiries

Two newly formed Legislative Assembly Inquiries which may be of interest to our readers were formed last month:

Legislative Assembly Select Committee on the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Prohibiting No Grounds Evictions) Bill 2024
This Inquiry is chaired by Jenny Leong MP, with public survey (submissions) open untilWednesday 26 June 2024. Findings from the Inquiry will be reported by September this year.
The NSW Government must act swiftly on its election promise to end no-grounds evictions for all lease types. Shelter NSW intends to put in a submission on this important Inquiry, building off our previous advocacy in our response to the Rental Commissioner’s Rental Reform Consultation Paper. We thank our friends at the Tenants Union for leading the charge on what are reasonable grounds for eviction in the modern rental market (where households are living longer and yet more undignified lives).

Legislative Assembly Select Committee on Essential Worker Housing
This Inquiry is chaired by Alex Greenwich MP, and no call for public submissions have yet been made. Findings from the Inquiry will be reported by March next year.
Shelter NSW has a keen interest in ensuring low-income workers are well-housed in every LGA. This is all the more important as plans ramp up across Greater Sydney for transit-oriented development and higher density housing. We also have a broader concern in how regional areas may be losing or struggling to retain workers that are central to towns and small communities thriving.