According to Parramatta Council, it will be home to more than 500,000 people by 2050. What kind of city will it be?
To chart a course for Parramatta’s continued transformation, the City of Parramatta has prepared a draft Parramatta 2050 – a long-term strategic vision. At a glance we’re concerned that the vison hasn’t fully encompassed the role of housing affordability and amenity into it. But (maybe) that’s just us.
Shelter NSW encourages anyone interested in this great, diverse and growing part of Sydney to check out the vision document and have their say. There is a very easy quick survey for anyone looking for a quick option to make a contribution. Submissions close 5pm Friday 19 July 2024.
The City of Newcastle and the NSW Government have developed the draft Broadmeadow Place Strategy and rezoning plan, which will guide future development in the area. The place strategy provides a blueprint for how the area (of 313 hectares) will change over the next 30 years.
The strategy shows locations for future housing, employment, public and open spaces, transport corridors, a sport, leisure and entertainment precinct, areas of cultural heritage, and new community amenities. Full details and ways to make comment before the closing of the public exhibition on July 24 can be found on the City of Newcastle site.