Northwest Renters Forum – beyond No Grounds Evictions

This month we also had the privilege of attending the Northwest Sydney Rental Forum alongside more than 70 local renters. This was the last of three sessions which have aimed to capture the experiences, feedback and ideas of renters across Sydney, led by the Tenants Union NSW and joined by the NSW Rental Commissioner Trina Jones. 

There were nearly 80 people in the room, including NSW Rental Commissioner Trina Jones, Donna Davis Member for Parramatta, and representatives from the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the Department of Fair Trading policy team. We heard stories from renters about some awful conditions as well as widely felt insecurity in the rental market. Many participants noted that while the removal of ‘no-grounds’ evictions is a huge win, renters still fear the possibility of uncapped rent increases, and by extension, the threat of eviction for no good reason. 

We also heard and saw massive support for a positive rental future, with the whole room voting to show support for reforms which create a safe and secure rental system for all. All feedback, including ideas for reforms and better regulation, have been collected by the Tenants Union and passed on to the Rental Commissioner for review. If you didn’t have a chance to join the session you can also add your stories through the Tenants’ Union of NSW website here