Ahead of the Federal Treasurer’s speech tonight these are the key priorities advocated by National Shelter. Naturally, each of these has great significant for NSW – Australia’s most populous and expensive state:
- A meaningful increase to Commonwealth Rent Assistance (at least 50%, indexed from 2023) more broadly available along with increased rates of other income support.
- Housing taxation reform to restore the balance (reducing the CGT discount and limiting negative gearing).
- Increased investment in social and affordable housing: target of social and affordable housing comprising 10% of total housing stock.
- A well-resourced housing and homelessness sector – ensuring indexed funding for the next ten years to adequately resource the sector to cover wages, staffing costs, and fair indexation.
- An enhanced coordination role for the Commonwealth in areas such as: inclusionary zoning; a national tenancy framework and the creation of an accessible housing market.
Our 2023-2027 Priorities for NSW are consistent with each of these national priorities. Like the Grattan Institute, we see the establishment of the HAFF as a gamechanger. An immediate program by the NSW Government to purchase or headlease rental dwellings could be propelled by an injection of Commonwealth funds.

For more information see:
- National Shelter Federal Pre-Budget submission
- Shelter NSW April overview of the Housing Affordability Future Fund (HAFF) negotiations.