In September 2022, Hornsby Shire Council exhibited its Draft Masterplan for the Hornsby Town Centre. The plan envisages a future town centre split into five precincts and a very large increase in population over 20 years. One element of the plan captured our attention: the commitment to delivering up to 470 affordable housing dwellings, representing 10% of the total planned 4,500 additional dwellings as well as seniors’ housing.
Shelter NSW’s 2022 submission on the Draft Hornsby Town Centre Review commended Council for its comprehensive draft masterplan and its commitment to achieving 10% affordable housing in the town centre; but encouraged it to go further by adopting a 15% target. This would increase the viability of affordable housing across all precincts. We had further comment about the need for any affordable housing to be in perpetuity; and the separate and critical need for social housing to be in the mix.
Council received over 490 submissions from the community and stakeholders regarding its draft plan, summarised in its recently released Feedback Summary Report. Overall, 49% were neutral/supportive of the plan with 50% against.
Shelter NSW is firmly of the view that places like Hornsby, a traditional and significant transport hub has the potential to be a world-class, inclusive community.