Homes NSW stakeholder engagement – Bellambi, Wollongong

As Shelter NSW noted in our recent submission to Wollongong City Council on the Gwynneville Public Housing estate renewal plan, there’s a lot potentially happening across the LGA as led by Homes NSW.

This website provides an overview of the pipeline of potential works for social housing in the LGA, and just recently, Homes NSW put out invitations for community engagement on “a shared vision for the future of Bellambi” with 2 workshops occurring in November.

Bellambi is a major Public Housing estate. As we indicated in our Gwynneville submission we are thoroughly interested in being part of a ‘new approach’ to estate renewals led by Homes NSW. Principally, we want to see a marked shift away from the ‘Communities Plus’ renewal model of the former State Government which delivered less than a third of all homes in existing Public Housing estates as social homes and often saw tenants and local people excluded from the active planning for their futures

We are excited to participate in these workshops about Bellambi, and indeed, the future policy approach to Public Housing estate renewals overall.

Further reading: