Launch of the Franklyn Report – 22 February
Shelter NSW was delighted to attend the launch of The Franklyn Report on Wednesday, 22 February. The event was held at the Treasury Room, Sydney Town Hall, and was well attended by a range of individuals and organisations committed to protecting inner city public housing.
The Franklyn Report was produced by Hands off Glebe, with the support of The Glebe Society. The report argued against the NSW Government’s plan to demolish the Franklyn Street public housing complex and construct towers that would house 70% private and only 30% public dwellings. Instead, the report presented a case for renovating all the units and keeping all the land and homes in public ownership. Shelter NSW strongly supports this idea, and we are proud to have worked with residents of Glebe to advocate this position to the NSW State Government over a number of years.
The event was launched by Clr Sylvie Elsmore, Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney, and was supported by Emily Valentine, Artist and Hands off Glebe Secretary, Dr Elizabeth Farrelly, candidate for NSW upper house, and Rose Jackson MLC, Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness. It was fantastic to see serious engagement between tenants, residents and politicians on this issue.
The launch was an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of the plight of Franklyn Street tenants and to advocate for public housing as an essential part of our society. We commend Hands off Glebe and The Glebe Society for producing this important report and encourage the government to take up the recommendations put forth.