HAFF funding program opened

Whatever you think of the process or compromises made along the way, it was good to see the first round of funding under the Housing Australia Future Fund Facility (HAFFF) and National Housing Accord Facility (NHAF) recently open.

As a reminder, the HAFF is a $10 billion investment fund established by the Federal Government and managed by the Future Fund. The income generated by the HAFF will be used to deliver 20,000 new social and 10,000 new affordable homes across Australia over five years. This includes housing to support acute housing needs.

For more information:

  • See the Housing Australia site
  • Media release by the Prime Minister and Minister for Housing and Homelessness (September 2023)
  • Media release by the Federal and NSW State Ministers for Housing and Homelessness (November 2023) regarding the additional $610 million Social Housing Accelerator funding for NSW