Explorer Street, Eveleigh public housing estate development proposal – update 

Late last year we shared an update about our concerns regarding the NSW Government proposal to redevelop this long-standing public housing estate, which currently consists of 46 public housing dwellings and home to 98 people (as at March 2023). 

The NSW Government proposes to redevelop the site in order to achieve:

  • 32,600 square metres of residential flat buildings providing approximately 400 homes including 30% social housing and 20% affordable housing (by extrapolation this would translate to: 120 social, 80 affordable and 200 private dwellings)
  • 3 blocks ranging from 4 to 13 storeys
  • 20% of all affordable housing to be provided as Aboriginal Affordable Housing (that being 20% of the 80 affordable dwellings).

In December 2023, our submission acknowledged that while an improved proposal compared to an earlier one made in 2020 under the Communities Plus model, we remain very concerned. It seems we aren’t alone in this regard.

The Government has recently released an overview of the public exhibition period., noting that it received 551 submissions from individuals, council, government agencies, industry bodies, non-government organisations and interest groups.

We will watch this proposal with interest but tin the meantime commend the Department of Planning for a much better quality report; with greater definition and acknowledgment of community concerns.

What the NSW Government heard from the Explorer Street Eveleigh exhibition

A wide range of topics were raised during the consultation, including:

  • the need for more social and affordable housing
  • concern about building height
  • impact on existing infrastructure
  • local built form character and context
  • increased traffic on local roads
  • privatisation and profit from public land
  • overshadowing of neighbouring buildings
  • impacts on social housing tenants
  • quality and quantity of public open space
  • the proposed density
  • design quality and heritage impacts
  • car parking provision