Apartments – a place that feels like home when you’re a kid

With more and more children living in higher density than ever before there is a need to not just challenge the proposition that you can’t raise kids in high rise but to ensure that life for kids and their carers is actually a great one. And by great we mean safe, healthy and fun. 

For good reason, the Healthier Higher Density Living for Families with Children Guide produced by the Western Sydney Local Health District’s (WSLHD) Health Promotion team, in collaboration with the City of Parramatta and Cities for Play, recently won the PIA Community Wellbeing and Diversity category at the NSW Awards for Planning Excellence 2024. 

In Greater Sydney, more than 25 percent of apartment households are families with children under 15. In the City of Parramatta, over 45% of 0- to 4-year-olds live in apartments. There is a lot at stake as the city grows and changes. 

This guide is built on 5 years of research and a strong collaboration of health and planning experts, local government and community representatives. We commend it to planners, designers and architects wanting to do density well.